Divine Office


Ordinary Time
16th Week
Psalter Week 4


God, come to my assistance; *
Lord, make haste to help me.


Glory to the Father, to the Son,
    and to the Holy Spirit,
As it was in the beginning, is now,
    and will be forever.

Examination of Conscience

After a short time examining your soul, spirit, and consciousness - pray to the Lord.

    I confess to Almighty God, and to all whose hope is in Christ. I have sinned in thought, word, and deed. I have sinned in what I have done and left undone. I have sinned, and continue to sin again and again. I have struggled to rest in God's presence. Help me deeply embrace the tender love of our Father. Help me take up my cross and follow Jesus. Help me sense and let the Holy Spirit guide me. This is why I plead that you pray to the Lord, our God, for me. Pray for me, along with all the saints.

    Almighty Father, have mercy on us. Continue to forgive us our sins, and lead us on the narrow path, with You, to eternal life.



Psalm 88

The Cries of a Broken Person

LORD, * the God of my salvation, I weep before You day and night.

LORD, the God of my salvation, *
    I weep before You day and night.
Let my prayer come before You, *
    give Your ear to my cry.

For troubles have overwhelmed my soul, *
    and my life is nearly lost to Sheol.
I have joined those descending to the pit, *
    like one whose strength has failed.

Abandoned among the dead, *
    like the slain lying in the grave,
those You no longer remember, *
    excluded and cut off from Your hand.

You have put me in the deepest pit, *
    into the darkness and the depths.
The weight of Your anger crushes me, *
    and You overwhelm me with all Your waves.
You took everyone I knew from me. *
    You made me repulsive to them.
I am locked up and cannot get out. *
    My eyes are failing from grief.

LORD, I call upon You all day long, *
    I stretch out my hands to You.
Will You work wonders for the dead? *
    Will their spirits rise up and praise You?
Will Your love be spoken of in the grave? *
    Your faithfulness in the place of the dead?
Will they know of Your wonders in the darkness? *
    Your justice in the land of forgetfulness?

As for me, LORD, I cry out to You for help, *
    from the morning, my prayer seeks You.
Why, LORD, do You reject my soul? *
    Why do You hide Your face from me?

I have been miserable and near death since my youth; *
    I can no longer endure Your terrors.
Your burning wrath has swept over me, *
    Your terrors have reduced me to silence.

They surround me like a flood all day long, *
    they close in on me from everywhere.
You have taken my lover and friends far from me, *
    now, darkness is my closest friend.


Glory to the Father, to the Son,
    and to the Holy Spirit,
As it was in the beginning, is now,
    and will be forever.


LORD, * the God of my salvation, I weep before You day and night.


The Book of Jeremiah 14:9

Yet, You are in our midst, LORD. We are called by Your name. Do not leave us!

Brief Response

Into Your hands, LORD; I entrust you with my spirit.
Into Your hands, LORD; * I entrust you with my spirit.
For You have redeemed us, LORD, God of truth.
Into Your hands, LORD; * I entrust you with my spirit.
Glory to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
Into Your hands, LORD; * I entrust you with my spirit.

Gospel Canticle

Luke 2:29-32

Now, Go in Peace

Save us, Lord, when we take watch.
    Protect us while we sleep.
Awake, may we watch with Christ,
    and in rest, let us have peace.

Lord , now let Your servant go in peace. *
    You have kept Your promise.
For my eyes have seen Your salvation, *
    which You prepared in the sight of all people.
A light of revelation for the nations, *
    and the glory of Your people Israel.


Glory to the Father, to the Son,
    and to the Holy Spirit,
As it was in the beginning, is now,
    and will be forever.


Save us, Lord, when we take watch.
    Protect us while we sleep.
Awake, may we watch with Christ,
    and in rest, let us have peace.

Concluding Prayer

Let us pray.
Forgive us, God Almighty. Only through Your forgiveness do we find the courage to follow Your only begotten Son. To journey step after step, from life down into the darkness of the grave. * Give us the faith needed to follow Him through death, and to rise again with Jesus, into the newness of life with Him, who lives and reigns forever.


May the Lord Almighty grant us a peaceful night, and a perfect end.

Concluding Antiphon

You may pray either the Marian or Kingdom antiphon to conclude Compline.

Marian Antiphon

Hail, * holy Queen, mother of mercy,
    one of life, gentleness, and hope.
We cry in our exile as children of Eve.
    Towards you we sigh, mourn, and weep
    in this valley of tears.

Turn, most gracious advocate,
    your eyes of mercy towards us.
As we end our exile, show us Jesus,
    the blessed fruit of your flesh.
    Merciful, loving, and sweet Virgin Mary.

Kingdom Antiphon

Hail, * holy Kingdom, home of mercy,
    one of life, gentleness, and hope.
We cry in our exile as children of Eve.
    Towards You we sigh, mourn, and weep
    in this valley of tears.

Turn, most gracious advocate,
    your eyes of mercy towards us.
As we end our exile, show us Jesus,
    the blessed King on Your throne.
    Merciful, loving, and sweet Lord Christ.