Divine Office


Ordinary Time
3rd Week
Psalter Week 3


God, come to my assistance; *
Lord, make haste to help me.


Glory to the Father, to the Son,
    and to the Holy Spirit,
As it was in the beginning, is now,
    and will be forever.

Examination of Conscience

After a short time examining your soul, spirit, and consciousness - pray to the Lord.

    I confess to Almighty God, and to all whose hope is in Christ. I have sinned in thought, word, and deed. I have sinned in what I have done and left undone. I have sinned, and continue to sin again and again. I have struggled to rest in God's presence. Help me deeply embrace the tender love of our Father. Help me take up my cross and follow Jesus. Help me sense and let the Holy Spirit guide me. This is why I plead that you pray to the Lord, our God, for me. Pray for me, along with all the saints.

    Almighty Father, have mercy on us. Continue to forgive us our sins, and lead us on the narrow path, with You, to eternal life.



Psalm 4

The Lord Hears my Cries

Have mercy on me Lord, * and hear my prayer.

When I cry to You, answer me, God of my justice, *
    You rescued me when I was oppressed,
be gracious with me now, *
    and hear my prayer.

How long will you people turn my glory into shame, *
    love what is worthless, and pursue lies?
But know that the LORD has set apart the faithful for Himself; *
    the LORD hears when I cry out to Him.

Tremble in your anger but do not sin;
    meditate in your heart *
    while on your bed, and be still.
Offer your righteous sacrifices, *
    and trust in the LORD.

Many are asking, "Who can show us anything good?" *
    LORD, let the light of Your face shine upon us!
You put more gladness in my heart, *
    than when others overflow with grain and new wine.
In peace I will lie down and find sleep, *
    for You alone, LORD, let me dwell in safety.


Glory to the Father, to the Son,
    and to the Holy Spirit,
As it was in the beginning, is now,
    and will be forever.


Have mercy on me Lord, * and hear my prayer.

Psalm 134

A Night Prayer in the Sanctuary

Throughout the night * bless the Lord.

Oh, bless the Lord, all you servants of the Lord, *
    you who serve throughout the nights in the house of the Lord.
Lift your hands in that sanctuary, *
    and bless the Lord.
May the Lord bless you from Zion, *
    He who made heaven and earth.


Glory to the Father, to the Son,
    and to the Holy Spirit,
As it was in the beginning, is now,
    and will be forever.


Throughout the night * bless the Lord.


The Book of Deuteronomy 6:4-7

    Hear, Israel! The Lord our God, the Lord is One! And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. These words, which I am commanding you this day, shall be on your heart, and you should repeat them regularly to your children. Talk of them when you rest in your home, and when you walk on the road; when you lie down, and when you get up.

Brief Response

Into Your hands, LORD; I entrust you with my spirit.
Into Your hands, LORD; * I entrust you with my spirit.
For You have redeemed us, LORD, God of truth.
Into Your hands, LORD; * I entrust you with my spirit.
Glory to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
Into Your hands, LORD; * I entrust you with my spirit.

Gospel Canticle

Luke 2:29-32

Now, Go in Peace

Save us, Lord, when we take watch.
    Protect us while we sleep.
Awake, may we watch with Christ,
    and in rest, let us have peace.

Lord , now let Your servant go in peace. *
    You have kept Your promise.
For my eyes have seen Your salvation, *
    which You prepared in the sight of all people.
A light of revelation for the nations, *
    and the glory of Your people Israel.


Glory to the Father, to the Son,
    and to the Holy Spirit,
As it was in the beginning, is now,
    and will be forever.


Save us, Lord, when we take watch.
    Protect us while we sleep.
Awake, may we watch with Christ,
    and in rest, let us have peace.

Concluding Prayer

Let us pray.
Stay close to us, Lord, through the darkness of this night. Let each hour pass in peace. Give us restful sleep and an early morning. * Help us rise tomorrow, ready and able to rejoice in the resurrection of your Christ, who lives and reigns forever.


May the Lord Almighty grant us a peaceful night, and a perfect end.

Concluding Antiphon

Tonight, we strongly encourage you to pray the Marian antiphon in light of today's proper.

You may pray either the Marian or Kingdom antiphon to conclude Compline.

Marian Antiphon

Hail, * Queen of Heaven!
Hail, Lady of Angels!
Hail, Fruitful Flower!
Through you light rose over creation.

Rejoice, glorious Mother,
Beautiful among all others!
Hail, Splendid Radiance.
Call out to Christ for us.

Kingdom Antiphon

Hail, * Kingdom of Heaven!
Hail, Dwelling of Angels!
Hail, Your Divine Will!
On earth as it is in heaven.

Rejoice, glorious Kingdom,
Beautiful above all others!
Hail, Splendid Radiance.
Call out to Christ with us.